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In addition to the basic choice of technology you want to print a particular product, a very important parameter in determining the appropriate paint for a particular application is the surface or the type of material to be printed on. For easier and better finding the paint for the screen printing, choose the type of surface you are printing on or the specific colour from the table.

In addition to a wide range of colours, there are many colour shades for screen printing. Select the desired shade on the tone chart, see its features and in the end feel free to order the product.

* By calling our technical support service with your parameters and with the help of Marabou Software, you can get the exact shade from other scales for your application.
** Shades of colour on other scales (Pantone, RAL, HKS ...) can be accurately calculated with the help of Marabou's software in the form of colour mixing formula with the exact quantity and type of colour from the Marabu system, in just a few moments.

Anchor 1

Maraflex FX

Satin shine, high opacity, quick drying, 1-component, resistant to outdoor temperature. For: multilayer printing, ID and credit cards, ABS, SAN, hard PVC, PETG, PETA, polycarbonate

Glass Ink TPGL

Satin gloss, medium opacity, quick drying, 2-component, machine-resistant. For: glass, ceramics, metal, aluminum, chrome-plated parts, lacquered surfaces, thermostable plastics

Maragloss GO

Shiny, high opacity, quick drying, can be shaped, flexible. Used for: PVC self-adhesive foil, soft and hard PVC, polycarbonate, PETG, PETA, acrylic

Maragraph GR

Satin gloss, high opacity, quick drying, 1-component with high resistance to problems with automatic printing. Suitable for: posters, self-adhesive PVC foil, PETG, PETA, paper and wavy cardboard

Libragloss LIG

Glossy, medium opacity, quick drying, resistant to screen stuck and resistant surfaces, can be shaped. For: PVC self-adhesive foils, hard PVC materials, polystyrene, acrylic, cardboard, ABS, SAN, polycarbonates, paper, laminated substrates and wood

Libramatt LIM

Mat, very high opacity, quick drying, mild odour, waterproof, can be shaped. Good for: hard and soft PVC materials, PVC self-adhesive foils, polystyrene, acrylic (clarith) and polycarbonate

Libraprint LIP

Glossy, medium opacity, quick drying, mild odour, flexible. Good for: hard and soft PVC materials, PVC self-adhesive foils, polystyrene, polycarbonates, paper, laminated surfaces and cardboard

Libraspeed LIS

Glossy, quick drying, 1-component, high opacity, resistant to outside temperatures. Good for: polystyrene, ABS, SAN, self-adhesive PVC foil, hard PVC, polycarbonate, climax (PMMA), paper and cardboard

Maramold MACRExcellent, high opacity, quick drying, 1-component, excellent ability for shaping. Suitable for: PMMA materials

Maramold MPC

Glossy, 1-2-component, good shaping ability, high temperature resistant, excellent adhesion to splashing and shaping the material. For: directly injected plastic parts made with decorative design technology (secondary substrate), polycarbonate foil (back), as well as directly injected substrates from PC, ABS

Maraplan PL

Satenskog sjaja, odlične pokrivnosti, brzo sušeća, otporna na vremenske uslove, podnosi namotavanje i špricanje. Za: cirade i ostale površine od mekog PVC-a

Maraprop PP

Satenskog sjaja, dobra pokrivnost, brzo sušeća, 1-komponentna, veoma fleksibilna. Za: tretirane i netretirane polipropilene

Marapur PU

Visokog sjaja, odlične pokrivnosti, brzo sušeća 2-komponentna, otporana na hemikalije i vodu. Za: tretirane polietilene (PE) i polipropilene (PP), termostabilne plastike, metale i obložene površine, aluminijum i drvo item about? What makes it interesting? Write a catchy description to grab your audience's attention...

Marapur PU - za saobraćajne znake

Visokog sjaja, transparentna, 2-komponentna, otporna na hemikalije i vremenske uslove. Za: reflektujuće folije sa akrilnim ili alkidnim nanosom smole

Marapol PY

Visokog sjaja, odlične pokrivnosti, brzo sušeća, 1- ili 2-komponentna, fleksibilna, otporna na hemikalije. Za: tretirane polietilene (PE) i polipropilene (PP), tvrdi PVC, termostabilne plastike, metale i obložene površine

Marastar SR

Visoko sjajna, veoma pokrivna, brzo se suši, otporna na benzin i vodu, može da se oblikuje. Za: PVC samolepljive folije, tvrde PVC materijale, ABS, SAN, akrilike, polikarbonate, tretirane poliesterske folije…

Maraflor TK

Mat, polupokrivna, brzosušeći 2-komponentni sistem boje, otporna na pranje i vremenske uslove. Za: tekstil od sintetičkih i prirodnih vlakana, plastike od poliuretana, poliakrilik, poliester, pamučna i kupaširana vlakna

Maralox LX

Sjajna, brzo sušeća, 1-komponentnta, velike pokrivnosti, dobre otpornosti na spoljne uticaje. Za: metal, lakirane podloge, polistiren, akril (PMMA), polikarbonat, ABS

Special 3047

1- ili 2-komponentna, visokopokrivna sa belom koja ne žuti nikada i najvećom mogućom otpornošću na hemijska sredstva i paru. Za: transparentne panele od PMMA-a i PC-a

Maragloss GN

Sjajna, brzo se suši, otporna na vremenske uslove. Za: PVC samolepljive folije, tvrdi PVC, polistirene, akrile (klirit), papir, kaširane materijale, karton

Mara Glow GW

Solventno-bazna fosforoscentna, svetli u mraku. Za: samolepljive PVC folije, tvrdi PVC, PS, ABS, SAN, akril (klirit), polikarbonat, karton i papir

Marachrome MC

Solventno-bazna, sa metalik, hrom i efektom ogledala, 1-komponentna, veoma sjajna, brzo se suši, veoma otporna ne spoljne uticaje. Za: staklo, PETG, PETA, klirit (PMMA), polikarbonat, PET folije

Maraplak MM

Izrazito mat, veoma pokrivna, jasnih nijansi, brzo sušeća. Za: bilborde, plakate, papir, tvrdi i meki karton, sve vrste papirnih kartica, hromo papir, platna i vosak

Sjajna, odlične pokrivnosti, brzo sušeća, 2-komponentna, otporna na hemikalije. Za: gajbe od tretiranog polietilena (PE) i polipropilena (PP)

Maraswitch MSW

Satenskog sjaja, solventno-bazna boja, 1-komponentna, brzosušeća, otporna na spoljne uticaje. Za: prelakirani poliester, polikarbonat, membranske tastature i kontrolne panele

Maraspeed SL

Satenski sjajna, polupokrivna, veoma se brzo suši, visokootporna na zapušavanje sita, neosetljive površine, pogodna za modeliranje. Za: polistiren, PVC samolepljivu foliju, tvrdi PVC, papir, karton

Marapoly P

Sjajna, odlične pokrivnosti, brzo sušeća, 2-komponentna, otporna na hemikalije, vremenske uslove, neosetljive površine. Za: tretirane polietilene (PE) i polipropilene (PP), tvrdi PVC, obložene površine i plastificirane površine

Marasprint SP

Satenskog sjaja, srednje pokrivna, veoma se brzo suši i otporna je na bleđenje, pogodna za modelovanje i oblikovanje. Za: štampu na akrilnom staklu (klirit), polistiren, tvrdi i meki PVC, samolepljive folije, lepljive papirne trake i karton

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